Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Don't Pass Out.....

I've posted 3 times in a month...and there's another one coming!

These are sono pics from our appt. the day before Thanksgiving. I was about 14 1/2 weeks. We call the top picture "Skeletor"! I love the middle one because you can see it's little legs crossed! How sweet! The last one is a head to booty shot from the back side. I even see a little booty crack! LOVE IT! It was funny b/c the baby refused to be still at all. Our dr. was quite surprised how active it was and we could even see it boxing its umbilical cord! Our dr. is so awesome b/c we get sono pics every time we go in! I will have a full scrapbook before it's even born! Off to bed I go.....OH! By the way...next time I post, "it" won't be an "IT"!!! =)

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